Checking your stools is important, if you have blood in them or blood when you wipe then you need to contact your Doctor (GP) there are other signs you need to look out for:

  • A change in your usual bowel movements
  • Going to the toilet more often
  • Looser stool than what is normal for you.
  • Thinner in size than normal
  • A lump in your tummy
  • Losing weight for no reason
  • Anemia—low haemoglobin level

Often there can be other explanations for these symptoms but to be safe you should consult your GP to get these checked.

Bowel Cancer is successfully treatable if it is caught early, there is nothing to feel embarrassed about, you need to talk to your Doctor (GP)when something is just not right for you.

Early bowel cancer can be entirely asymptomatic but can be diagnosed with screening. Make sure if you are sent the NHS bowel screening kit that you do use it, send it back as this could save your life. If you have recently done a test which was clear and you have any of the above symptoms, you must still contact your Doctor (GP)


There is evidence which suggests a diet high in red and processed meat can increase your risk of developing bowel cancer. Eating a healthy diet of high fibre foods, for example: fruit, vegetables, brown rice and pasta, wholegrain bread can be beneficial. Cut out or down on the processed food.

Exercise regularly this too has been found to reduce your risks.

Exercise regularly this too has been found to reduce your risks.

Smoking, Alcohol and obesity have all been linked to increased risks of Bowel Cancer.

Family history can also have a link to Bowel Cancer, speak to you Doctor (GP) if you have any close family Mother, Father, Brother or Sister that have had Bowel cancer particularly at a younger age.

Most importantly Check your POO!!!

For more information on symptoms, causes and treatment please also visit the official NHS website –